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Aim We combine evidence from palaeoniche modelling studies of several tree species to estimate the extent of Central American forest during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). In particular, we ask whether the distributions of these species are likely to have changed since the LGM, and whether LGM distributions coincide with previously proposed Pleistocene refugia in this area. Location Central American wet and seasonally dry forests. Methods We developed ecological niche models using two simulations of Pleistocene climate and occurrence data for 15 Neotropical plant species. We focused on palaeodistribution models of three ‘focal’ tree species that occur in wet and seasonally dry Central American forests, where recent phylogeographic data suggest Pleistocene differentiation coincident with previously proposed refugia. We added predictions from six wet‐forest and six seasonally dry‐forest obligate plant species to gauge whether Pleistocene range shifts were specific to habitat type. Correlation analyses were performed between projected LGM and present distributions, LGM distributions and previously proposed refugia. We also asked whether modelled palaeodistributions were smaller than their current extents. Results According to our models, the ranges of the study species were not reduced during the LGM, and did not correlate with refugial models, regardless of habitat type. Relative range sizes between present and LGM distributions did not indicate significant range changes since the LGM. However, relative range sizes differed overall between the two palaeoclimate models. Main conclusions Many of the modelled palaeodistributions of study species were not restricted to refugia during the LGM, regardless of forest type. While constrained from higher elevations, most species found suitable habitat at coastal margins and on newly exposed land due to lowered sea levels during the LGM. These results offer no corroboration for Pleistocene climate change as a driver of genetic differentiation in the ‘focal’ species. We offer alternative explanations for genetic differentiation found in plant species in this area.  相似文献   
生态修复是指在不同人为干预程度下,协助已遭受退化、损伤或破坏的生态系统恢复的过程。我国海岸带地区资源丰富、位置优越,但过度的开发建设活动严重破坏了当地的生态环境,急需对受损的海岸带生态系统进行保护和修复。以东营市海岸带地区为例,运用InVEST模型对其2005、2010、2015和2018年4个时间段的碳储存功能进行评估并分析碳储存及"碳源碳汇"的动态变化,以间接反映出区域生态系统的稳定性和健康程度。结果表明,2005-2018年东营市海岸带碳储存功能持续减弱,13年间碳储存总量减少了1.341×106 t,生态系统碳储存功能受到严重破坏,其中有8.68×104 hm2生态系统碳储存功能评价等级为差和极差,空间上受损最为严重的区域主要分布在岸线附近的北部、东北部和东南部。按照东营市海岸带碳损失空间差异和生态系统演替规律,从3个方面提出相应的修复方案,包括加强恢复区保护力度、稳定碳储存能力,整顿辅助区粗放模式、塑造碳储存廊道和退还重建区滨海湿地、扭转碳损失趋势,以期通过改善和恢复研究区海岸带生态系统碳储存功能,实现对受损生态系统的有效保护和修复。  相似文献   
采用美景度评价法(SBE法)对广东省生态景观林带进行评价,分析影响生态景观林带景观水平的主要因子,探讨生态景观林带景观构成要素与景观质量的关系。结果表明,不同专业、性别、学历、年龄的人群在森林审美态度上具有一致性,其评判结果能够反映森林美景度的实际情况;对53张照片评价SBE值,最大为1.4454,最小为-1.6917;对美景度影响较大的4个因子,即色彩丰富度(X6)、色泽明度(X7)、生活型(X8)、生长状况(X9),建立的多元线性回归模型是 Y=1.902-0.346X6-0.461X7+ 0.206X8-0.584X9。  相似文献   
1. Contemporary species distributions are determined by a mixture of ecological and historical filters acting on several spatial and temporal scales. Mediterranean climate areas are one of the world's biodiversity hotspots with a high level of endemicity, which is linked to complex ecological and historical factors. 2. This paper explores the ecological and historical factors constraining the distribution of caddisfly species on a large regional scale. A total of 69 taxa were collected from 140 sampling sites in 10 Iberian Mediterranean river basins. Approximately 74% of taxa can be considered rare, with the southern basins (the Baetic–Riffian region) having greater endemicity. The greatest richness, involving a mixture of northern and southern species, was found in the transitional area between the Baetic–Riffian region and the Hesperic Massif. 3. The historical processes occurring during the Tertiary (i.e. the junction of the Eurasian and African plates) explained 3.1% of species distribution, whereas ecological factors accounted for 20.7%. Only 0.3% was explained by the interaction of history and ecology. A set of multi‐scale ecological variables (i.e. basin, reach and bedform characteristics) defined five river types with specific caddisfly assemblages. The commonest caddisfly species accounted for the regional distribution pattern, while rare taxa contributed to the explanation of subtle patterns not shown by common species. 4. Despite the importance of historical factors for biogeography and the large scale used in our study, ecological variables better explained caddisfly distribution. This may be explained by the length of time since the historical process we are considering, the high dispersion and colonisation capacity of many caddisfly species, and the strong environmental gradient in the area. Because of the historical and environmental complexity of Mediterranean areas, rare taxa should be included in ecological studies so that the singularity of these ecosystems is not missed.  相似文献   
Increasing land salinization in Australia is predicted to lead to severe declines in species diversity in affected areas, and perhaps significant numbers of species extinctions. Much of the diversity that will be lost consists of understorey and mid-storey species, yet the overwhelming majority of research has focussed on salinity tolerance in tree species. We investigated how the presence of a shallow, saline water table affected the understorey species composition, species richness and species diversity in two remnant Eucalyptus wandoo Blakely woodlands in the Western Australian wheatbelt. Species richness and species diversity were significantly lower in areas with a shallow water table at elevations < 0.5 m above the lowest local elevation, compared with both higher elevations and with areas of low elevation without a shallow water table. Species composition (Bray-Curtis similarities) was also significantly different in low elevation, saline areas. At one site, saline areas were colonized by native and alien species that were not present in the surrounding vegetation, yet the community that has developed does not contain either the species or structural diversity of the surrounding system. At the other site, no colonisation of saline areas by new species occurred. Even though small differences in elevation (< 0.5 m) at our study sites were important in moderating the impacts of salinity in areas with a shallow water table, the loss of species diversity, species richness and structural complexity in low-lying elevations indicated that the ecological risk from secondary salinity to species associated only with drainage lines, seasonally wet flats and other low-lying areas is severe. The priority is to identify those vegetation communities that are restricted to only low relative elevations within the landscape and that only occur in remnants predicted to be at a high risk of developing a shallow and saline water table.  相似文献   
The breeding avifauna of 25 woodland fragments (0.85–280 ha) was studied between 1996 and 2004 in Córdoba, Argentina. A distinctive feature of the avifauna of the fragments studied is the low area requirement of most of the species. Of the 54 woodland species recorded, 32 (59.3%) require c . 1 ha and 43 (79.6%) needed no more than 3 ha. Also noticeable is the relatively high number of individuals of most of the species. Both characteristics suggest a good tolerance to fragmentation. However, nine species (16.7%), the area-sensitive species, need fragments of 80 ha or larger. Moreover, eight resident species have apparently become extinct in the fragments that were studied, including the five large species that originally inhabited the area. Proportional odds and log linear models were fitted to relate the minimum area requirements of these species to various ecological characteristics (body size, diet, habitat use, migratory status, and nest type). Closed nesters, resident, woodland exterior, and medium-size species were the groups requiring larger areas. No apparent pattern was observed between area requirements and diet. A recent law prohibits woodland removal, which is a positive step towards the conservation of the fragments. The results suggest that as long as the present amount of woodland is maintained, the situation of the avifauna of the fragments is relatively secure, at least in the short term.  相似文献   
We typically observe large‐scale outcomes that arise from the interactions of many hidden, small‐scale processes. Examples include age of disease onset, rates of amino acid substitutions and composition of ecological communities. The macroscopic patterns in each problem often vary around a characteristic shape that can be generated by neutral processes. A neutral generative model assumes that each microscopic process follows unbiased or random stochastic fluctuations: random connections of network nodes; amino acid substitutions with no effect on fitness; species that arise or disappear from communities randomly. These neutral generative models often match common patterns of nature. In this paper, I present the theoretical background by which we can understand why these neutral generative models are so successful. I show where the classic patterns come from, such as the Poisson pattern, the normal or Gaussian pattern and many others. Each classic pattern was often discovered by a simple neutral generative model. The neutral patterns share a special characteristic: they describe the patterns of nature that follow from simple constraints on information. For example, any aggregation of processes that preserves information only about the mean and variance attracts to the Gaussian pattern; any aggregation that preserves information only about the mean attracts to the exponential pattern; any aggregation that preserves information only about the geometric mean attracts to the power law pattern. I present a simple and consistent informational framework of the common patterns of nature based on the method of maximum entropy. This framework shows that each neutral generative model is a special case that helps to discover a particular set of informational constraints; those informational constraints define a much wider domain of non‐neutral generative processes that attract to the same neutral pattern.  相似文献   
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